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The first Golden Autumn Cup basketball tournament of BOM in 2022

浏览次数:364 日期:2022-09-03 14:50:37

To enrich employees' cultural and entertainment activities, fully leverage their spirit of unity and cooperation, and enhance the cohesion and pride of the enterprise among employees. On the afternoon of September 24, 2022, BOM held its first season of the Golden Autumn Cup basketball tournament. During this period, all athletes performed outstandingly, and the staff actively provided logistical support. The referees were impartial and selfless. This basketball game truly enabled all BOM athletes to display the spirit of friendship first and competition second, while also demonstrating their style and level.   



Group photo of all athletes

After a fierce competition for an afternoon, the first, eighth, and ninth groups finally met smoothly in the finals, and the final championship competition began at 4:20 pm. Although everyone was close colleagues off the field, they were still competing on the field, not letting go of any chance to score.Encouraged by everyone's expectant gaze and friendly shouts, the first group ultimately won the championship of this basketball game, the ninth group won the runner up, and the eighth group won the third place. After the competition, Mr. Yu from the marketing center presented prizes to the winning team.

Athletic demeanor)  


This basketball game not only enriches the employees' leisure sports life, but also ignites the enthusiasm and confidence of the majority of employees to participate in sports. In the future, the company will continue to aim to enrich the cultural and sports life of its employees, and from the perspective of promoting their physical and mental health, organize more and better colorful cultural and entertainment activities, promoting the vigorous and rapid development of BOM.


所属类别: Company news
